Six days for just over 3000 kilometres. |
____ This job has so much time on it. Wednesday morning delivery on the out-skirts of Chicago. To Rochelle, for the night-before and a meal with fellow Brit and Penner driver, Martyn Parsons. He is homeward bound and I have expectations of catching him before Steinbach. I have my reload which is just twenty kilometres away at Elk Grove. But after a quick tip things take a turn for the worse. The reload is from a chaotic warehouse chock-full machinery. It takes until six o'clock in a thunder-struck evening to get my stuff and get out into a slow-moving rain-soaked crawl out of town. Just enough time in a fourteen hour spread-over to get back to Rochelle.
____ At last, the Thursday gives me chance to clock-up some miles. A good run up to Fargo, 10 hours on the bunk and a dash to the border and back to Steinbach. The load was for Calgary, but like just about every trip: it is a drop-trailer-in-yard scenario. Most West-bound freight doubles-up to make a turnpike roadtrain these days. It is the Bank Holiday season and work looks thin; so maybe an extra day-off and a visit to a car show.